Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Army Journey: pre-Field Camp and Happy Chinese New Year!

Its the Lunar New Year on the Chinese Calendar and we celebrate the Chinese New Year! Its one of the biggest events held in Singapore, after all, majority of Singaporeans are Chinese. This is also one of the times where Ang Pows come into play.

Ang Pow, or Red Packets, are packets containing money, given by those who are married. This is to show generosity and good fortune for all the non-married couples and of course for the children, they just think of the money and nothing else.

Chinese New Year used to be something I look forward to. But somehow, I did not feel the spirit of the celebration at all. Its like, I don't feel any happiness throughout the whole visitation. Its more of a forced smile... Probably because I knew that Field Camp is on this Wednesday... Army again.

I guess that was what prevented me from even enjoying myself. Usually I would talk loads but not this time. This time I kept watching the TV, being anti-social and a little bit "sian".

I kept thinking about the field camp and I really do not want to live through that hell that everyone of commanders talked about. I hope that I can survive the hardship in the camp. I really hope to survive these 6 days with not much food and still have to exercise. I pray for wisdom to come upon me that I can absorb what was being said and execute it accordingly.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Army Journey: Training to be Soldier (Part 2)

Speculations of whether army life is boring? Well it is. Trust me. Regimental life is not a life you want constantly. Its where all your freedom is robbed, every little detail you will get punishment.
"I don't want to lead an army life, I just want to lead a simple life"

This phrase will come to mind every time we get a tekan session. Its not that I'm not used to it. I'm just so used to it that I'm sick and tired of tekan sessions. However I do know that every tekan session comes a lesson learnt. I just pray that there won't be those unecessary tekan sessions where they ask you to do ridiculous things. Even if they did ask, all we can do is 'suck thumb' and just do it. That's army life.

Not much to say about this post anyway. I hope that I can get out of this life soon...

Friday, January 02, 2009

Army Journey: Training to be Soldier...(Part 1)

Army life is a very disciplined life. And also its the kind of life where you are vulnerable to Orders given by your superiors. Its also a test of humbleness, decisiveness, initiative, as well as brotherly-kindness, after all, you will be staying with your bunch of bunk mates for the next few months to come.

That's not the point I wanted to speak about. I actually wrote a diary concerning my thoughts throughout the weeks of confinement and how it has really change my perspective about life. My friend, who went to army earlier, told me I would have this sudden change. Some people won't get it and continue to stay the same. But I want to change me character. I want it to be more firm and more discipline but at the same time, I do not want to lose the soft side of me, which makes me who I am.

When I was separated with my parents for 1 week, only then did I realize I missed home. Which tells me family is very important. Also I have been praying and God has been answering my prayers steadily as I ask for a quick muscle built up so I can physically improve. Also I ask for a bio-clock which will automatically wake up after 7 hours of rest. That is provided I sleep at lights out time itself.

Other then asking God, when I had time I did some bible reading which God encouraged me through the book of Titus. Just read the first few chapters. Its about insulation, penetration and how you treat the world out there and not let it treat you. There were times when I am down, and I just flip open the bible and it came to psalms. Its there that I really felt encouraged by David's expression of desperation.

So I'm still surviving army life and in army there is a phrase, "What doesn't kill you, Makes you Stronger." So I'm going to do my best and since its already the new year of 2009 I might as well make a new year resolution!

I will be able to do pull ups this year

I will be able to set new records for every IPPT station.(NAPFA Test fyi)

I would like to get to command school. Though I'm not sure which I will get but my friend has been inspiring me about going to OCS. Yes the training is tough, but you learn more, you get more benefits, the only sidetrack is you need to serve the nation longer.

Now my career path is still not set. Music, or animation? Well, I haven't been drawing. Music I have been playing. But its still hard to set my mind to such paths. I just hope I can come to a conclusion soon. Well, lets tackle army first...