Monday, May 26, 2008

Why is the Heart so complicated...

Probably some of us have this sort of thinking when you thought you fell in love with someone but yet the person just keeps "ignoring" you somehow just because you did not say that you like that person.

That nagging feeling inside, of the fear that you will lose this person to someone else, is also inside that turmoil.

What I'm saying here is be careful.

Issues of the Heart spring issues of Life. Recently, I've listened to Pastor Kong's Preaching on Choosing the Right Life Partner. He started off by saying that the partner you choose, is not God's choice, but YOUR choice. You choose the partner that you want to be with forever. So then how can you determine if that person is the right person for you?

This is just a short summary, God gives you a certain Guideline on how to choose wisely. The moment you hear the different sides of the Guidelines, like how Anger can play a role in choosing the right partner, then you began to think. In the end, ultimately, you should choose CHARACTER rather than outward appearance. Its a bonus if you have both in my opinion, however, as Pastor Kong puts it, its not going to LAST. However, Character in itself will never fade. Fall in love for the character and not the outward appearance.

Pastor Kong addressed the issue of Long Distance relationships are not going to happen too. If the person is staying on one end of Singapore and you on the other side, it will tend to fade. The feelings you had may be gone.
"But my love will prevail, and the further we're apart the stronger our feelings for each other!" NO! Absolutely not. It will wane and in the end, both parties are not going to be very happy. Thus it was not advisable to get into a relationship when staying too far apart...

What I'm trying to say here is not to put you down. But rather it is just a guideline. I belief some CAN go for Long Distance relationships and are able to keep the faith until they are married. Those are only a rare few. However in general, most of us can't.

I've been thinking about how to find the right girl for my life, after all I'm already going to be 20 years of age, I have not been involved with relationships as I told myself to abstain from it in order to concentrate on what I have to do in Life. Boy was I happy I did, now I get to listen to this CD, I can now think about it for the next two years in army. After that? Who knows? Might as well live life TODAY and leave Yesterday and tomorrow in God's Hands. right?

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