All of a sudden I feel like sharing, where did I get the idea to be in the animation industry or even have the interest for music? Well, Final Fantasy was not the first thing that made me want to enter animation or music but it was the game that brought it home to my conclusion.
I have started playing games since primary 3 where games at that time were pixelated, and joysticks were the inthing. Yes because the games were mostly about flying in an aeroplane. I pretty much suck at those games, but i love the thrill of it.
Then primary 3 was also the time where half-life: counter strike first came about. Love the action and how I am experiencing from a first-person view. Here marks my great interest in first-person shooter games which up till now, is my favourite genre. My first favourite came when I tried out RPG games like Final Fantasy 10 in Secondary 3. So before RPG was my favourite, First-person shooter and RTS, real-time strategy, games are my favourite. To name a few, I love Red Alert, Red Alert 2, Starcraft, Warcraft 3 and Frozen throne for RTS. For FPS, I go for Half-life series, Medal of Honour, Call of Duty, Prey, Counterstrike. Yes My love for games is many. Yet I have to control them, or they will control my life.
But the main thing I'm trying to say is. Animation I have loved since games. And at that time, anime was not part of my life until secondary 3. And that marks the RPG era for me too. I played Final Fantast 10 on my uncles PS2. It was this game that got me so hooked that I took the game very very seriously. Yes it nearly controlled my life too. But one thing was for sure, no matter what I like, it has got something to do with animation. I watch TV alot when I was younger. So basically, animation started from there not games.
Music also started when I was young. But I suppose bad experience with Keyboard during childhood was my downfall, and also not being able to own a piano in the past too. But music started from keyboard lessons. I remember then that after which, music was just all for me to listen to. I did not really listen to much music until secondary school. But one thing I remember, I will always go for Karaoke when I was a kid, singing old english oldies with my Dad was the best experience that I had.
Even now, I feel that Karaoke, I am not afraid off. So singing was my love before playing music. Then I got interested in guitar. Because City Harvest Church made me open my eyes that we should not despise our youth and that we can do things for the glory of God. And I can't help but observe the guitarist in my cell group most of the time. Its pretty captivating to see a guitarist doing his thing whether in cell group or just in church seeing the main guitarist playing. I have always seen some of my friends that when they play a song from their guitar, people will start to flock toward them. I love that form of attention... I can't help but say that. Its a thrill to have people watching you perform your thing. Even though at first you are embarassed, but as I began to perform, all embarassment just fade away. So music has been my love.
Why did I say Final Fantasy brought home my conclusion for animation and music? Well, I do not know if you have noticed, but Final Fantasy has one of the best soundtracks ever made in a game. I love Nobou Uemetsu and Tetsuya Nomura's works. Both are the people I want to be. To be a musician, as well as a character designer or concept designer. Why concept? I feel that I have loads of ideas of a game story as well as plots for different scenes. Certain fighting styles I can also think of. I believe I can do this better than science laborotory stuff.
Final Fantasy's latest movie also got me very interested in making my own film! I have one problem, I am indecisive, afraid of hardwork ( yes bad character about me) and I can't seem to get out of my comfort zone. I can say that one of the reasons is, my mom is not willing to let me go to experience failure outside myself. Also I just found out, she still does not support me in arts, she still thinks that I will give up art and pursue science. Dream on mom... The ultimate reason is because, I can't seem to stand up to people. I keep letting them step all over me. Even if I did stood up, I will be shoot down again. I really hate this side of me.
Nevertheless, this is probably my mistake if I enter the animation world. One thing, church and cell group, I won't be able to attend often. I will be busy and very calculative of time management. Also, the job scope can even allow me access to overseas work! Which my aim is to go into Japan. To not only be an animator there, but to change their environment. I hope someone does not see this post. Even if they did, they can laugh at it for all I care. You just watch...
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