Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Asia Conference Lesson 1: The 3rd Space

Rev Kong Hee shares this on the opening night of Asia Conference.

Acts 17: 16 (NIV)
"While Paul was waiting for them in Athens, he was greatly distressed to see that the city was full of idols."

So here was Paul, in the City of Athens and was deeply burdened by the state it was in. Now think for a moment.

Paul was in a territory where idols are everywhere around him, a situation which is full of religious activities. A City where he had to learn the language and the arts around him in order to communicate with the people of Athens.

In order for him to perform his ministry he had to learn their language in order to communicate with them, learn their culture basically. So Paul was culturally educated in the system of Athens.
Notice, he had to learn their culture but yet it does not affect him. Because Paul practiced Holiness. Being in the presence of idols does not mean your Holiness is diminished.

Now what is Holiness? Two things.

Holiness is ATTITUDE
Holiness is OBEDIENCE

These two things are the shield for Paul to put on. In order to be the Salt of the Earth, to Preserve Decay to the society as well as Light of the World, to be that light in the Darkness.

So Paul started to preach in the synagogue stated in Acts 17:16-17. A group of philosophers began to wonder of Paul's speech and they brought him to a place known as the Aeropagus.
Acts 17:18-19

Now the Aeropagus is located on a hill known as the Aeres Hill or Mars Hill. Yup its that name Aeres ring any bell? Or Athens? If you said Greek Gods then you are right!

So hang on a moment, the Aeropagus was like the head of the City State, the parliment house. Its the place where the elders of that city gather together to have counsel. So Paul was brought into the higher ups of the city.

Now check this out. Rev Kong Hee went on to his sermon. First, he shared that the church is known as the First Space, this is where we all feel safe and secure in the presence of God. There is a 2nd Space known as, The Marketplace where this is our Training Ground, our place where we work to earn our living and to do our job vocation. There is a 3rd space, this is where the higher authority of Society is located, the leaders to people with great influence to the 2nd Space.

Now most Christians will move from First Space to 2nd Space and then? BACK to First Space. Now there is nothing wrong with that. Sometimes we will get discourage and hurt out there in the 2nd space after all we learnt certain principles in Church and the moment we arrive in the 2nd space the days working will sometimes get you discourage and thus you go back to the First place to find your comfort.

However, this is not where we can impact the society.

Instead our Goal, is from 1st Space, where we are filled with the holy spirit, move on to 2nd space and do well at it. After that you will arrive at the 3rd Space of influence, which is UPWARD MOBILITY. Its fine ministering to the needs of the people on 2nd space, but in third space, you can change the system of living, you can change peoples thoughts on it.

Now what does this have any relation to Paul's story? Well if you read on, Paul was in the upward mobility, in Aeropagus on Mars Hill. Here he spoke about God's goodness to them, he was ASKED to PREACH! Not Forced to Preach, but asked to share with them. This is the Upward Mobility. And from his preaching, he won over a man named Dionysius.

Now this mans name was named after the God of the Greeks for Entertainment and Music. Entertainment and music was paganized after this God named as Dionysus or Dionysia. Usually every performance have to be dedicated to the God of Entertainment.

So this man played the most important role of removing the pagan name Dionysus from all Entertainment and Music and thus the music today is because of the result of one man, who removed the paganistic view of music and it was turned around that music is sanctified and freedom was given to music and entertainement, meaning movies are not about Dionysus anymore but about the freedom it is today.

Praise be to God! So Upward mobility is the Goal and will be that christians in Asia will not just be "surviving" by always going to the First Space, but no, we are raising up a new generation that will take ASIA by storm, by moving to the Third Space!

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