Friday, November 07, 2008

I have the ability to Tell Time, Anytime!

I just bought a watch at my own salary... But still, What a watch!

Casio Mudman Watch. It is shock resistant, water resistant till 200m depth and MUD resistant. Yes, this watch is made so that it is completely sealed off from all abnormal materials from entering its mechanism.

Also, it has 4 alarms to be set, a stopwatch with sophisticated recording of time laps. A snooze that rings every 5 mins, alarms can be set to date time and what hour and when. Its powerful trust me.

For the Countdown Timer there are quite good features too. Like the progressive beeps to inform you every interval of a minute and even near the last 10 secs it will inform you with beeps. So you can just keep running without having to worry how much time left as the beeps can help you. It will also inform you if you're running slower than normal or too fast, in other words, pacing.

Lastly, it has the feature of WORLD TIME. It means, any where in the world, all I need to do is adjust to the right country and WAH LAH, the time in that country. If next time I travel overseas, I won't have to just change my adjustment on the watch, I just need to switch in or out of the time mode for the certain country.

All this, for $137 smakeroos! Its quite a good buy to me. LOL!

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