Thursday, July 03, 2008

Popcorn Slammer Times: My Brethren, Enter the world of Heroes!

Yes! Its a catch-line title! Something that will totally want people to read this post!

Ok I'm just bull-craping... but haven't anyone notice that this year, alot of Heroes have came back to the screen?

There was Indianna Jones, back to kick some crystal skull. Narnia's Kings and Queens came back on screen to kick a Telmarine King. Iron Man came to kick and burn some people with his repulsor lasers and amazing attacks! Then comes the Incredible Hulk, a giant in the red corner and not to mention Hancock on the Blue corner of the town. Guess what someone intervenes the two of them. He's red, looks like a demon with a beard and his two horns sawed off. Carries an arm with a gun, yes you guessed it, HELLBOY is making its way into the Ring! Of course upcoming, there is the hero that almost everybody is waiting for. The Dark Knight!

Of course I'm not here to talk about the Dark Knight. Its Hancock. He's one dude you do not want to mess with. Have the same powers as Superman, wreck havoc while saving crime. Had temper issues like if people were to call him a-hole, he just calmed himself down first and went. "Call me a-hole, one more time." And then he expects them to say it. My advise, don't SAY IT!

Hancock is very much a comedy, for a 1 and a half hours all you do is laugh at the quirky remarks by his counsellor who wanted him to be a better person. And Hancocks own cocky personality. Seriously it was one heck of a movie. If you want to watch, make sure you bring your popcorn, small if you can't handle the pressure by Hancock.

However, Hancock maybe modern superman, but he didn't really knock out me. My rating is 3/5

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