Its been a long 2 days of filing... Yes, I have been doing "filing" which includes putting files into boxes and moving them to the store ALL BY MYSELF!
I mean, I moved and shifted a whole lot of files from shelves to boxes I have to make myself cause it was in a template form. Then I have to trolley my way to the storeroom and moved and arranged the boxes inside as well as to make space for more boxes. All in all, I would say at least 30 boxes of heavy files I have moved. Wow. Oh and I got a free pillow along with it. It was a Holiday Inn Atrium Staff Night Pillow and there were numerous of it in the store. Got my boss approval to take one. =)
Well I guess I have finally reached my limit to this job. The routine really makes me so bored. Such that I have even started to turn up late and of course I TRIED to not be late. But my body has a brain of its own. Thus, its time I set up my boundaries, a plan as well as a few disciplines that I REALLY need to follow. My problem was discipline, praying for discipline only stirs the Holy Spirit to EMPOWER you to succeed. Thus, in the end, ACTION is required! I suppose I have to learn to sleep early... and I need it anyway...
Probably I should state a rough idea here. I need to sleep at about 11pm latest. *sigh* I need to wake up early like 7am every morning. Erm, maybe earlier than that due to school. *sigh* Practice my animation, guitar, piano stuff everyday, and try to write a chapter a day. Yes, I have been procrastinating my studies.
Well I better end here for now. I pray that all procrastinators, you know who you are, do the same. God desires hardwork and not laziness.
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