Many a times I walk along the streets, on the MRT and on the bus. All I see are couples, couples and more couples. Sometimes when you just stand in the middle of all these couples, immediately your concious starts to hypnotise you, "Time to get a girl-friend." And it will swirl in the depths of your thoughts over and over again.
Its the agony of single and available people. Bachelors and Bachelorettes are all considered DESPERATE!
I have a question to post, "Is it really time yet?" Most of us will reach to this question when you see someone you really liked and you say, "thats the right partner for me!" But is it really?
Many fall into the trap of the outward looks and never looked on the inside of the person. I too am a victim of such, honestly speaking, for guys especially. Who won't stare at a girl dressed in a speghetti strap, black silky sexy dress? or even a girl with a bikini on at the beach? If a guy says that he has never took a glance at a girl dressed like that, they are most probably lying. Either that, or theres something wrong with them biologically... Lets not get there.
The point I want to make is Character Triumphs Looks. I actually found that to be VERY true... I have seen some of the girls in my school who were sexy, good-looking and being just how sexy girls are, yet, they are lousy when it comes to helping people, to serving people. Some will whine and even spoke the beautiful language know as "Vulgarity".
Seriously, I have an issue with girls swearing all those profanities. It just seem... Wrong to me. I mean, sure they have been influenced but its just one of the things that I really dislike a girl immediately. Another issue is referring to girls who smoke. Girls, why would you want to have your teeth yellow, or to have breathe that smells like cigerette? Its really something I do not understand. You want to look beautiful but in the end, you destroy your teeth, lungs and eyes will be bloodshot. Whats the point in looking beautiful when you are destroying your insides.
I would gladly throw a listerine water bomb into your mouths.
Don't think I bomb the girls the guys go scott-free. What in the world are guys doing these days? I have extreme issues with guys who always think about sex sex and just sex. I do have friends like that, and I really pity the dude. I mean sure, guys WILL think about sex, but its how you control the thoughts that make you accountable for it. It was preached during FOP when Mark Conner came he said that thoughts are swimming around and you are RESPONSIBLE as well as you HAVE CONTROL to sipphon out the thoughts that were not applicable to lead a righteous path. The thought will come but its your choice whether you want to go along with that thought.
I find that if guys cannot control themselves, it is an excuse for not taking responsibilities over their own life. Understandable that some really could not control themselves. If thats the case they can still choose to go for Counseling and that in itself shows that you need help and you are taking responsibility over it. Overall, as you can see the problem with most guys is taking responsibility.
Yep, me too, I'm struggling in that area too, but I make to choice to give it a shot again. I may fail but I try again to be responsible. The spirit of Resilience is in all of us, women and men. We can change! Theres no such thing as "I can't, I just can't control-" Do yourself a favour, SHUT UP and go and PLAN! Think! What can I do to stop this. If you put the effort, I'm sure you will think of something.
So I've side-tracked again. But yes, how do you know if its the one. Honestly speaking? Its all based on effort. For Christians, we have God's guidelines on choosing the right partner, and its up to you to follow. However, I know we have preference in our partner. Example, I like girls who dress well, physically well proportioned and love arts and performing arts.
So what to do? I am not physically proportioned yet, I have a zero on my tummy for goodness sake and arms like jelly. I always dress in bermudas and t-shirt. If you were like that and lets say you meet a girl who really was super-stunning in a very beautiful dress and you just walk up to her to talk to you. She's not going to pay any attention to you. Come on, I mean, in the end we need to put effort as such that it can meet your requirements in a girl. I mean, you want to have a girl that dress well? Then Start dressing well! You want a well-toned girl? Please do yourself a favour and go and exercise.
I'm not saying this is a SURE-GET thing. Its just a way to heightened your chance. Also since you like this kind of people with arts? Go and mix around with people like that! I believe if you put in the effort, if you seek God and God is the centre of your life, your partner will eventually come.
God Bless! =)
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