I can't help but keep thinking...
What if, the church can do a program that prepares Christian men in Singapore, to be aware and ready for their coming national service, not to prevent them from entering or to 'chao keng' but to become effective people in future as they start serving their NS.
Not only that, but once they are in NS, they will be always cared for and remembered by their fellow church friends. After all, once they enter, they can't really guarantee a stable time table, their cell group timings would be screwed up, and they will eventually stop growing in the lord. I've been through this, and I wondered why am I drying up so fast. Sometimes I always say that if it weren't for attending church, I would have given up to be a commander. Somehow, I can find my strength if I continue to attend church, I will just feel empowered. But the feeling does not last for long.
I have this burden for the Christian enlistees, that they are not prepared for whats about to come and experience in army. There will be many temptations, the life style will be totally different. The way they do things in army is sometimes nonsensical but memorable, and sometimes the people will around you will start to drain your spirit away. As you began to see the male entity of the world, you will began to realize the predicament of your spirit being drained away by individuals with their own way of doing things. Not realizing that it will 'sabo' which is sabotage, your platoon mates.
I began to think why does men, grow weaker spiritually in army. The answer lies in the people in army and that it was hard to even form a prayer meeting without being interrupted. As a leader to be, I feel that action is needed for the church to not neglect this group of people as they not only serve the country, but they serve also the one true God by going to army. Toughening physical as well as mental stress.
I feel that the church should organize something for the NSF who attends church. I'm still brain-storming ideas on how to do so, but so far nothing I could think up. Damn I start to talk cock already...
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