Saturday, June 20, 2009

Army Journey SISPEC ASLC : The Real Course Starts... Now..

Its been quite slack so far in Juliet. Slack in terms of waiting time, and live firings for these whole month. Also, we have completed our first Field Camp. Its been great training as well as a little demoralizing to end the 1 month in ASLC with a field camp. After all, anything outfield always ask for more walking, more defending, more crap to face eventually.

The OOC feeling is still in me, but after hearing stories of Taiwan, I just feel so alive! But I still have the OOC feeling every time I'm in training. I guess in truth, mentally I can only handle so far, and also, nobody was very cooperative at that time. Too many individuals with individualistic thinking and less team cohesiveness, that was the lack in this batch, and all the previous batches I've ben through. Probably, this would carry on and I could not control the situation.

But I can control myself, and my thoughts on the outcome.

Anyway, I have been having less sleep, its like I can't stop thoughts running through my head, information and nonsense have been activating when I wanted to sleep. Also, I have not had a good appetite as well recently. I need to understand why do I do the same things again and again and again, simply boring to the core.

I was informed during the field camp, that the course for ASLC really starts now, this is where we have to prepare for our next outfield which I heard it was going to be pretty nasty in terms of physical. I need to mentally prepare.

My staff sergent told me that for the Overseas training, I won't have to worry much on the training and my thinking, because basically, once we get there, we will all have the mentallity to graduate and we will do whatever it takes. Theres also the R&R to consider too. And since, I'll be heading overseas 2 days after my birthday, I'm going to take that as a birthday present. =)

Till then.

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