Saturday, May 16, 2009

Army Journey: SISPEC BSLC completed!

This whole experience in BSLC? I know I cannot reveal too much about the course but it has been memorable...

This BSLC probably was the most irritating and most enjoyable moments looking back. Although my bed buddy is screwed up, and even some of my section people are screwed up, I also met friends over there, who has helped me through, although I maybe irritating to them by telling them to fall in on time, all the time. I hoped to see some people performing like leaders in my next course... which I would talk about my response later...

I guess for this BSLC, the closest people are actually my section people, not the platoon. Although in the platoon I know a few people, but we are just not as connected as the people in your section. Not like BMT where you need to know everyone in the section. Many stupid jokes were made in my section. Jokes of the day were often created in my whole course and we would just laugh. Sometimes the remarks made by Hsien Yew are funny enough to get everyone cracking.

Then the field camps came in. The Grand Slam? Was really Grand 'Shek', singapore term for tired. Probably for me, I did SBD for the two days I was part of the section. It was killing me, I even had to retake my Navigation test that night and the next day another round of SBD. I nearly thought I could not make it, physically. Yet my mental was always there for me. Somehow, I keep thinking I can't go on, but somehow, my body will keep moving, even if its tired it will move.

That proved true for my 28 click route march, or was it 32 click? Why I questioned this was because, we may have marched the wrong way and in the end took a long route back. But nevertheless, we made it. I was one of the stragglers, the ones who could not take it anymore, but I keep on going. I was on the verge of giving up, but one warrent officer motivated me, and even gave me the salt water to drink so that I can cure my cramps in my legs. It was a tough challenge for me, I even cried as I march. I was touched by my officers care and I know I am not the tough man people always think. I do cry, I am not like the chinese saying of 'Men do not cry'.

I feel what I feel and I have to let something out. That's why, I need an outlet for all my anger, for all my pain. I shout, I need to confess, if not I cannot function. That's what I discovered for myself.

Then throughout the whole march, I was in pain. But I could not say so for myself, I know the others are feeling the way I'm feeling, I just could not take it. My mind was telling me to slow down, to give up. If it weren't for the motivation of my company mates, some were from platoon 2 and 3 who helped me, I won't be able to make it...

Overall the experience in BSLC, was some good training. To the guys who are transfered to another unit, please, become the 3SG and lead your men. Don't give up, we're nearly through.

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