Monday, July 02, 2012

Personal Encounter - Moving on From Repentance to Redemption (Part B)

During Pastor Ming's sessions, all of a sudden, I felt so much anxiety over this topic. So much that I really could not "feel" the holy spirit moving in my life. Although there was one time that I did moved in the Holy Spirit, that was under careful instruction by my cell group leader. I never knew he was that good in moving in the spirit. I was able to move in Prophecy.

Let me recall that experience. My cell group leader demonstrated to me, first of all not to fear but move in Faith. You need to ask the Holy Spirit what is it that He wants to prophecy over the person you are praying over. Whatever is the first word that enter my heart, I need to speak it out first.

For this case it was Love. And I told myself to speak out. "I sensed the Lord saying that He loves you."

The moment I did that, immediately the next few words began to flow. And I spoke them out. There are times that the words seem to connect together. Seem to flow like a river flowing down. And there are times which He gave a Word. I had to really exercise Wisdom to interpret what I saw.

At the end of it, I asked how was the prophecy (whether is it accurate or not). My leader was touched by it. Right now I can only recall certain bits and pieces which I spoke to him. Regarding cell group growth and how my leader had some ideas which he felt he wanted to implement. But at the timing that God wants to move.

This however, only happen to me once... at this juncture.

I moved on with the series in Pastor Ming's Gifts of the Holy Spirit. However, the whole time I really felt super super BLOCKED in the spirit. I couldn't understand why I was unable to receive the spirit and I just keep thinking and thinking. But I received no answer...

Then that fateful day... When Dr. A.R. Bernard was coming. I made a decision to Fast for three days because I felt an impression to fast (which after awhile I am convinced, it was the influence of the Holy Spirit).
Here comes the Details: 4th 5th 6th May
I broke fast on Monday: 7th May, felt spirit led again to fast, and I decided the number of days to fast. Which is 3 days again. For Dr A.R. Bernards session on Tuesday.
So I fasted on 8th 9th10th May. Both fasts are Food Fast. Meaning I only drink water or beverages (fruit juice etc etc.)
I fasted without knowing what Pastor Ming was going to do on the last day.
I remembered the messages that lead up to my encounter. The Leaders Meeting was the one that blew us away.
All I took away was what he shared prophetically CITY HARVEST CHURCH as w whole we are going to become.
The most important things that a Man can do, is to
1. CREATE an IMAGE. Also known as Brand Identiy. Every single person has done that. Dr AR Bernard warned us that this is not a sin, after all, God created a being in an image and likeness of Himself. City Harvest Church has their own brand identity. This is something very powerful, because Babylon created an image, making it the most Powerful Empire that the world has seen.
The next most powerful thing that can beat Creating an Image...
2. Is to DESTROY an Image. That is what our enemy, the Devil has always been doing. He likes to destroy the image that God has originally intended and created you to be... The ratio to creating and destroying an image is very fast as well. It is easy to set up, and it is easy to be torn apart and destroyed
Thank God that the story does not stop there.Because there is something more powerful then Destroying an image and that is only:
3. To REDEEM an Image! God takes what is destroyed and breathes new life and brings you back to His original intent and Purpose in your life. Guess what, things that have been destroyed and redeemed by God, they are now INCORRUPTIBLE SEED. Meaning...
When that word was shared, that CITY HARVEST will also be experiencing this REDEMPTION, the whole hall exploded with excitement! I was also totally illuminated in my mind! I desire to experience this process of Redemption!
The following morning, I do not even feel the effects of fasting which is hunger. Even if I did, I felt stronger to overcome it.
Then came the last day. on the 10th May is where I had my Redemption. Pastor Ming announced on the 9th of May that we will be moving in Deliverances.
This is where everything falls into place...

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