Wednesday, January 06, 2010

New Year... One Year... Goals for the future!

I've decided to pen down my "unrefined" goals for 2010! Here are the few that I have considered, but haven't really planned on my SMARTER Goals Card.

-Build up physical strength and endurance

-Find a way for extra income

-Save up at least 500 bucks per month, hope so.

-do not eat snacks!

-IPPT Gold ASAP!!! Like once I'm given the go ahead for my second year IPPT.

-Must get MARKSMEN for my range

-Lead with Confidence and Garang-ness, but do not compromise safety and mission.

-Be less rebellious to my family members especially my mom...

-Be cunning as a viper, gentle as a dove.

-Make a decision based on research of the various art schools I have been looking by the end of this year.

-Devise a plan and timetable for my routine so that I will follow and not go out of place.

-Able to relate to others, but not let their emotions and mine get the better of me.

-Spend more time with my fellow cell group members. Although its hard since I am stranded on an island, but I really hope to get my civilian life back in check soon!

-Oh yeah... Look for potential girlfriends...

-Lastly and most importantly, get my life RIGHT with God and walk his path once again. And to maintain and to hold my tongue for every vulgarity I am about to speak.

There is actually more to that... But I can't remember it all.


The Place Where I Belong said...

due to ppl who are too bored.. They start flooding my blog and say bad things so i decided to change address

The Place Where I Belong said...

my address is