Monday, January 21, 2008


I believe, its time I reintroduce myself.

From the past, I have seen how immature I was.
It has been a struggle to stay in the Biotech course I was taking. I have been struggling ever since first year. I had always thought that being in Biotechnology, I can have a better JOB. And better PAY. This is what happens, when you kena psyco by parents and other people.

So i have lived a life for the past 2 years, a life of low self-esteem. Yet I am grateful, that near the end of the year 2007, my aunt came, or rather God, came to rescue me, through my aunt.
She came at the most opportune time of my Life where I felt that Life has no meaning whatsoever and I worry about my future.

My aunt, named Meei Eng, counseled me. She is a very established part-time counselors and the questions she asked are, provoked me to find my inner voice. I begin to answer her questions and found that, I had the answer all along. The answer to my problems and even my goals and plans for it, I already had it! Its because I have been in this circumstance for too long that i failed to see my calling.

Now, the year is 2008. I can happily declare that I have my self-esteem ready, as what pastor Kong preached last sunday. Now the hurdle I have left is to find a focus in my course of studies which will ulimately lead me to the CAREER of my life. not a JOB.

Let this new year be a new hope to all my friends and relatives. Let this new year be the year of changes and let this year be the next journey for God's divine encounter.

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