Yesterday, I went to check out on our School's Open House!
It was fantastic! A lot of noise was made, a lot of hustle and bustle around... Got chio bu's(pretty girls) and Chio bengs( pretty boys) LOL!
I went specifically to my CCA booth and even helped out there a little. There i met my president. She was wearing a Hanatarou costume, you know the Bleach Character, the one that heals the Ichigo gang during their invasion in Soul Society.
Then shortly after wards... It was photo-taking session! You see our booth is a combination of three clubs together. The Jap Tsubasa Club (my club), The Akido Club and the Photography Club. All in all our booth is named Glamour Shot! Those photographers really look professional. There were some pictures taken by them that were simply amazing! I will put up some more pictures for the open house bellow.
But really what a bang! There was a concert band that suddenly started to do a drumline performance. It was loud and catchy beat. Some of the students went over there to just check it out, Secondary students and NP students all went to check them out. i managed to take a video of it. Dunno whether can post or not coz i'm still not familiar in blogging this sort of things. But no matter! I'll post watever i can first!
Gosh! I got to go study, my test is coming next week and i only have three days to study! ARGH! STRESS!! Till next time!
The Jap Tsubasa GLs and President(Hanatarou)!

Impaled Through and Through. Ouch!

Shinigami Vice captain!
I kena Whack in the head by Siyu!
I am the new Samurai X!